Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Things to take, things to leave

Before I left the UK, I had a hilarious evening packing with Kat  and Caroline.  Of course I was trying to take too much stuff and couldn't fit it all in my bags so they were helping me veto. For them, this was basically an excuse to take the piss out of me for a good three hours and remind me just what I would miss after I left. Things that were discarded that caused the most hilarity were: a flat headed and cross headed screwdriver ("Oh my god Anna they have tools in Kenya you know") a three way plug extension lead (no actual comment for this one due to too much laughter) and a lovely informal suit jacket ("when on earth are you ever going to wear THAT!").

So, especially for Kat and Caroline, I thought I'd do a quick blog on the things that have proved to be the most useful, and the things I could have really left behind.

The what-would-i-do-without-it list:

 - Swiss army knife. A loan from Caroline. Very handy for chopping up mangos.
- Ear plugs. A gift from Kat. Said I never use them as I can never sleep in them. However when you're separated from a room of 20 girls by what is essentially a piece of cardboard, trust me, you find a way.
- Little grey boots. SO glad I've got these. Great for tromping round in. Getting knackered already but they are loved all the more for it.
- Dynamo torch. Donation from Jaime which I very nearly shunned. Essential for going to the toilet after 8.30pm, or doing anything that's not in my room after 8.30pm (not many lightbulbs here). The kids are also totally fascinated by how you charge it.

The I-haven't-touched-this-in-three-weeks list:

-Nail polish. Yeh, I wear this about once a year in the UK. Not sure what I was thinking there.

- Pretty handbag. I love it, and it reminds me of home but god knows when I'll ever use it.
- Exercise/stretching band. Nice idea. Highly unlikely.

And things-I-wish-I'd-brought:

- Another pair of jeans. Not sure what I would have discarded to fit these in, but have a surplus of tops to bottoms.
- Sports water bottle.
- Griff. Would be dead useful on the farm, that's all...
- A different hair colour. I have a good brown/red two tone going on with my roots at the moment. Nice.

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